Защо Cotton Hug?
Cotton Hug is a brand for healthy, safe and quality sleep products . Each product is produced in a sustainable and ethical way, with premium materials certified for harmlessness and safety. We use cotton and wool from proven sources, which also select their raw materials according to specific sustainability and ethics criteria and are in line with our understanding of quality standards.
Why Cotton Hug baby nest?
The favorite place of thousands of babies! Perfect construction, attention to detail and uncompromising quality and safety. Every element is designed, manufactured and tested to provide your baby with unparalleled comfort and protection. Favorite of thousands of babies, loved by thousands of parents for its proven benefits! 100% favorite product! What makes it unique.
Why 100% wool?
Cotton Hug 100% wool products are truly indispensable for healthy sleep. Inspired and made by our personal need for our children to sleep in a healthy, anti-allergic environment free of mites and mold. Pillows, duvets and blankets - baby, children's and adults. 100% natural materials with unique properties that contribute to health and bring comfort and healthy sleep. The benefits of wool are endless.
Why Cotton Hug blanket?
Cotton Hug blankets are a true gem, 100% natural, organic, gentle, sustainable, just like baby blankets should be! They will remain one of the items you will not "pass on" to others, simply because they were created just for you, they have taken on the smell and smiles of some of your happiest moments - the sweetest years from 0 to 3 years.
Muslin Products
The muslin from which Cotton Hug bedding, diapers and wraps are made is a fabric that deserves attention. Woven to our specific specifications in one of the best fabric factories in the world, Cotton Hug fabric. Soft, multi-layered, with a denser weave, breathable, absorbent, in soft and pale colors.